"To learn a
new language is to earn a new soul."
Expanded Learning
Next Adventure:
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
November 21st - 28th, 1998
Here's your chance to practice all you've learned and learn even more! We're going to MEXICO! Come join us in Puerto Vallarta.
We're staying in the beautiful Hotel Krystal, a four-star hotel on the beach. You'll have unlimited opportunities to practice your Spanish as you converse with locals in charming little restaurants or along the beach at sunset.
You'll enjoy a dynamic ¡Español Rápido! class for 5 hours / day. The rest of the time you're free to practice your Spanish with the hospitable residents, fishermen, shopkeepers, and street vendors.
* The best Spanish class you can get anywhere,
at any price. Guaranteed!
* All instructional materials, including tapes
and notebooks
* 7 nights lodging
* Farewell celebration and fiesta dinner
Cost: $1195 based on double
$1440 single occupancy
$500 for travel companion not taking the class
Please call your agent for tickets to Puerto
Vallarta. Plan to travel on November 21st and return on November
28th. Upon arrival just ask a taxi driver to take you to the Hotel
Krystal where your reservations will be in your name. The orientation
meeting will be at 7 pm Nov. 21st in the lobby.
This class is for people of all levels who wish
to improve their fluency and listening comprehension. If necessary,
we will divide into smaller groups upon arrival. Once on Mexican
soil you'll begin to THINK in Spanish. Your progress will astound
You will need proof of citizenship (passport
or birth cerificate) to obtain a tourist card, which you'll receive
when you check in at the airport.
We also recommend a Spanish/English dictionary, a cassette tape player, and money for personal expenses. Due to strong dollar against the peso, you can enjoy real bargains in food and shopping. Pack casual clothing and a jacket for cool nights, swim wear and, of course, your camera!
Please print and fill out the REGISTRATION
FORM and return it with your deposit of $300 or payment in full to
EXPANDED LEARNING, 1571 Race Street, Denver, CO 80206. (VISA and
Mastercard accepted).