"To learn a
new language is to earn a new soul."
Expanded Learning
Rancho Rio Caliente, Mexico
The "ultimate" stress-free
Spanish class/vacation
August 25th - September 1st, 1998
what you really crave is to:
*travel to Mexico to learn Spanish
*give your body a rest
*nourish your soul
*stimulate your mind
*and meet fascinating people
This vacation / learning experience includes:
* The best Spanish class you can get anywhere, at any price, GUARANTEED!
* 7 nights lodging, PLUS 3 healthy meals a day
* 2 spa treatments (massages, facials, etc.)
* Mudwrap
* Shopping trip to Guadalajara
* Yoga classes
* Nature hikes
* Water excercises
* All instructional materials, tapes & notebook
* Free time to explore, relax, and visit local natural healers
Only $1295 / person (double occupancy)
$1495 / person (single
*$795 for travel companion not taking class
Make your airline reservations NOW!
You’ll need to arrive in Guadalajara BEFORE 8:00
p.m. The gates are locked at 10:00 p.m. You’ll need proof of
citizenship (passport or certified copy of birth certificate). We
recommend a Spanish/English dictionary, a cassette tape player, and money
for personal expenses. Bring casual clothing and a jacket for cool
nights, swim wear and of course, your camera.