Customer Testimonials
from students that "learned Spanish fast".

Quotes and pictures

This is the best training I've had in 14 years of working with the State! It's amazing how quickly we all learned Spanish. And it was the most fun of any class. Better than most vacations!
Judy Rogers, Moses Lake, WA

I feel that I have learned more Spanish in these 6 days than I did at the Defense Language Institute in 3 weeks.
Julian Harris, Camarillo, CA

This was absolutely the best presented class I've ever had the privilege to attend. The instructor is extremely talented. I learned so much and can hardly wait to spread it in my work!
Carol Tlach, Walsenburg, CO

Magnífico! In 8 years of college and post graduate education, this has been, by far, the best learning experience I have had. The concepts taught and modeled are excellent!
Patti Nagle, Yakima, WA

Más, más por favor! A truly outstanding class! Have never had such an experience before./ Conducive to learning, to promoting good feelings between fellow participants, to stimulating creativity. Wonderful! It's difficult to put into words how I really feel. Thank you so much!!!
Sylvia Bakan, Kennewick, WA

I appreciated greatly this new method of learning - so full of life and variety of approaches. It is unbelievable the quantity of material I have learned
Juliette Larose, Paddle Prairie, Canada

This was the best staff development experience I've had in the 10 years I've been with the district.
Brooke Deputy, Laguna Beach, CA

The various methods used in the class were excellent. The instructor's presence, enthusiasm and affirming style added a special touch to the class. I received so much more than I anticipated!
Christa Heinrich, Chicago, IL

Previous Clients who "learned Spanish fast"


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